Sunday, July 4, 2010

Um... this is hard...

Yep, training for a marathon is hard. And yes, my name for today is Captain Obvious. Don't get me wrong, I always knew training for this marathon was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. Up until this week though, my long runs haven't been that hard. I think it was because I was so comfortable running 5 miles for a few months, that going up to 6, 7, and even 8 wasn't that bad. Now I'm getting into the continuous climb of mileage though, I'm definitely starting to feel it. My long run yesterday was 9 miles, and it wasn't too bad until the last mile, which is when my legs really started to bother me. Cardio and breathing-wise I was fine, but my legs were just done. It wasn't injury pain, it was just that my muscles had had enough. So those "drop-back weeks" that I said I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow? I think I'll be following them now. Pretty sure my body will need that slight break every few weeks in order to keep going.

Miles this week: 19 miles
Weeks of training finished: 16 weeks
Total miles of training: 200 miles

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